The terminology surrounding atomic weapons is filled with every day, nonthreatening namesakes such as mushroom clouds and yellowcake uranium. Inversely, many of the words we use daily have been lifted from nuclear origins, such as “nuking” food in the microwave or bikini swimwear. These innocuous overlaps in language normalize and mollify the dangers that atomic topics pose to every person. This zine explores some of these phrases, where they came from, and my thoughts on the intersection of language and nuclear weapons.


colophon & quote
colophon & quote
table of contents
table of contents
opening spread
opening spread

bikini spread

yellowcake spread
yellowcake spread
nuke spread
nuke spread
mushroom cloud spread
mushroom cloud spread
silo spread
silo spread
Little Boy spread
Little Boy spread

final thoughts

works cited
works cited
back cover
back cover
Thumbnails & Proposal Presentation
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